Dec 5, 2011

Let's Begin!

I have decided, along with the rest of the maternal population in this country, to start a blog.


For my own amusement (I get bored). For documentation (mommy-brain is a real disease). For my own sanity (sometimes, I want to free all the giraffes from the zoo. Other times, I am certain I live in a zoo). & Mainly because I am a real person- with real problems, with real joys, with real experiences that I can only hope will entertain, inspire, help & depict life as I know it.

Why am I "The Midnight Mom," you ask? Is it because I'm dark? Is it because I'm mysterious? Is it because I'm some type of secretive superhero with a hidden agenda? No.No. & Maybe. But actually, it's because I am a stay at home mom. The midnight hours are the only hours I have to myself to unwind, to sit down, to take a deep breath & ask myself, "What the hell am I doing?!"

So let's get acquainted. If you know me personally, you can probably disregard this part.

My name is Kristina. I am 25 years old (I have a real Peter Pan complex & am in denial of the fact that I am aging). I am tattooed. I am pierced. I live my boyfriend, Jake. I have three biological children & a "stepdaughter" (only in quotations because I am not married. Yet. COUGH COUGH). I fancy myself a photographer.. But realistically, I rarely use my Nikon D90 DSLR for anything but taking pictures of my kids & food, anymore (sadly, I use the camera on my phone more often than my actual camera. I apologize in advance for all the crappy cellphone quality pictures that will be posted). Speaking of food, I bake. & I cook. I do these two things almost daily. You can probably expect recipes & pictures of delicious nomnomnom's that I make.

Let me introduce you to my brood.

This is my bearded boyfriend, Jake.
Blowing bubbles.
Yours truly.

This is Evelyn. She will be two on December 26th.
She is often unpleasant.
Do not let her sweet little face fool you.
This is Gabe. He will be five in March.
I feel as though he is an old soul.
He has a heart of gold & is wise beyond his years.

This is my Cailin. My "stepdaughter."
She will be five in April.
She & Gabe are polar opposites & partners in crime.
This is Lydia. She is 7mos old.
Borderline ginger-baby. Sweet as can be.

& There you have it. My own personal circus.
Welcome to the madness.


  1. I'm gonna stalk you now, just thought you should know that

  2. Suddenly picturing Lydia as the lonely ginger-seal. Thanks for the lulz, Bestie.

  3. Love that you have started a blog!!

  4. eat more chicken

  5. I love your caption under Evelyn's picture! Lol
