Dec 22, 2011

Oreo Balls

Let's be honest here for a second. There are few things in this world that are better than Oreos, cream cheese & chocolate. It's only natural to marry the three. I don't like to toot my own horn (toot toot!)... but these are one of my most requested & most beloved treats that I make.

They are incredibly rich, decadent & sinful.

I will warn you in advance- these are time consuming. They are difficult to make- but it does take some time. I spent literally over 12 hours straight making a huge batch the other day. & Another 5 hours today.


It's time to get ballsy.

Oreo Balls

What you need:

1 package of Oreos (any kind- I use regular Oreos, peanut butter, mint & a new kind called berry blast. Don't get double stuff!)
1 package of cream cheese (8oz)
Almond bark (I use both vanilla & chocolate)

What you do:

Using a food processor or blender, crush the Oreos into fine crumbs (I do not suggest doing this by hand- which is what I have to do since I have neither of the aforementioned appliances. But if you do have to crush them by hand, put them in a gallon size Ziplock bag & use a rolling pin to roll, beat & smash them to as fine of a consistency as humanly possible). Transfer to a large bowl & add in cream cheese. Mix by hand (don't be afraid to get messy! This is the best way to mix evenly). 

Form into 1in balls & place on a baking sheet lined with wax or parchment paper & place in the freezer for up to one hour.

Melt almond bark (I do one variation at a time, dipping half the balls in chocolate almond bark first, then melting the vanilla & dipping the other half) & use toothpicks to submerge the balls. Hold over the bowl, gently shaking off all the excess almond bark. Replace onto baking sheet & remove toothpick (dab a little bit of almond bark over the hole made by the toothpick).

Once the almond bark is hardened (it doesn't take long) you can decorate them. I use sprinkles & corresponding colored almond bark to decorate mine (just cut a tiny corner off of a Ziplock bag & pour in a little bit of almond bark & drizzle over the balls).

Store in the refrigerator (& don't let your kids see you sneaking them.. They'll be upset with you).

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